
Top 5 Things Your Hospital Bag Needs

When it comes to packing your birth bag, plan early! Babies never seem to arrive on schedule, and you don’t want to be caught unprepared. While there is no end to the list of possible items you may choose to…

Finding The Truth Behind “Baby Brain” During Pregnancy And Early Motherhood

Have you ever felt a little loopy or seemed out of it while pregnant? Or found yourself forgetting things you normally wouldn’t? This isn’t uncommon, and many women have frequently reported that they struggle with their memory both during and…

This is Harder Than I Thought: Lactation or the Art of Milking One’s Self in Public

Ladies, love them or hate them, we all have boobs. For most of your life, these constant companions are merely aesthetic. We strap them down for workouts, we push them up for dates, but mostly we treat them like any…

Baby Registry Top 5 Must Haves

There are so many items that you can purchase for your new baby, it is easy to feel like you are drowning in the sea of onesies. But when it’s time to narrow down the choices, here is a list…

Motherhood: This Is Harder Than I Thought

I have always been a dog person. Like dog people, there are also “cat people,” “baby people,” etc. I was never a baby person; babies cried all the time, they were ticking puke bombs, and the fresh ones kind of…

Preparing for Baby: 4 Items Your Nursery Needs

With all of the advice from your friends, family, and online message boards, it can be hard to figure out exactly the best way to prepare for your new addition. Marketing campaigns tend to take advantage of the uncertainty that many…

Cosmetics and Pregnancy

Women who have undergone cosmetic treatments prior to getting pregnant often wonder if it is safe for them to continue to do so throughout their pregnancy. The ultimate question is whether or not these procedures and ingredients will affect the development of…

Relief for Pregnancy Symptoms

We all know that pregnancy can be exhausting. Once you add in morning sickness, shortness of breath, and body aches, it can be especially rough. But, there are a few things that you can do along the way to alleviate your symptoms…

Bonding with Your Baby in the Womb

After discovering that you’re pregnant, it can be easy to feel anxious about bonding with your baby. Sooner is always better than later, and the good news is that you don’t have to wait until your baby is born to begin…

Deciding on a Birth Plan

While it can seem like 9 months is an awfully long time, your due date can actually sneak up on you. You spend a lot of time preparing for the baby by readying the nursery, buying clothing, and stocking up on diapers….