While it can seem like 9 months is an awfully long time, your due date can actually sneak up on you. You spend a lot of time preparing for the baby by readying the nursery, buying clothing, and stocking up on diapers. But, have you considered the details of your actual delivery?
It is so important to develop a birth plan ahead of time. It might seem overwhelming at first, but simply answering a few basic questions can be a good starting point.
What is your pain tolerance like?
Do you want pain medication?
Where do you want to give birth?
Who do you want to present for the birth?
Discuss these factors with your doctor, and get his or her input. Your doctor should be able to fully inform you of all of your available options and answer any questions that you might have. Many hospitals and birthing centers even offer tours that can help you visualize your experience.
In the end, most physicians will tell you that the best birth plans are ones that are open and flexible to change. Your doctor will want to do what is best for you and the baby, so modifications to the plan may need to be made along the way. By staying flexible, you will avoid disappointment and free yourself to focus on bringing your baby into the world.