These Statistics About the Effects of Divorce on Kids Are Pretty Scary
The word divorce has gone from taboo to mainstream, all in our lifetime. Experts debate the exact divorce rate in the U.S., but they agree that the number of marriages ending in divorce today falls in the range of 35…
3 Things I Learned in 6 Months of Motherhood
My baby just turned six months old yesterday. Six months old. It’s amazing to look back at all the changes we have both made in that short, yet incredibly long amount of time. When my daughter came home from the…
Your Teen Probably Texts And Drives. Are You The Reason Why?
I read an interesting article the other day. According to a study commissioned by Bridgestone Americas, the majority of parents are in complete denial about the behavior of their teenage children behind the wheel. This survey showed that only “39 percent…
Recipe Roundup: Our 5 Fave Quickie Breakfasts
If you’re like most moms, making sure you and your kids eat a nutritious breakfast may be a difficult thing to manage in the chaos of an early morning. In a world of processed packaging and fast food, Pop-Tarts and…
Top 5 Things Your Hospital Bag Needs
When it comes to packing your birth bag, plan early! Babies never seem to arrive on schedule, and you don’t want to be caught unprepared. While there is no end to the list of possible items you may choose to…