Activities Kids

Reading Recommendations for Girls

Helping your daughter develop both her reading skills and an appreciation for the written word at a young age is extremely important. A love of reading could help your child succeed in school, in addition to contributing to quality one-on-one time. There a few tips to keep in mind.

Toddlers are generally very active. This may mean that story time in your house is not exactly a quiet time of sitting down and reading together. Your daughter may prefer to act out the story or sing songs as you go along. It is important not to stifle this creativity. Instead, develop the story into a format that she enjoys.

As with toddler boys, it is important to choose books with topics that are engaging to your daughter. Does she love a certain cartoon character? Maybe she likes furry animals? Finding a book with colors and pictures that are in line with your daughter’s interests can be very helpful.

Some toddlers have a particularly favorite book and will ask to have it read again and again. While it might try your patience, it is important to indulge them in this phase. Your attention now could pay off down the road.

Often, building story time into your daily routine is the best way to ensure that your child reads every single day. This may mean that your daughter gets to pick out a book each night before bed. Or maybe you have time together after lunch. Whatever you choose, build your routine around her and change things up if it seems like she is growing bored or restless. Reading is supposed to be fun, and at this age, finishing a book or reading every single word on the page isn’t the most important aspect. Instead, focus on providing an interactive and creative experience for your child.

Some of our favorite books for toddler girls include:

I Know a Rhino” by Charles Fuge
Slide Already!” by Kit Allen
Stephanie’s Ponytail” by Robert Munsch



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