As the second trimester moves into the third, many moms-to-be find themselves cleaning long-forgotten corners of closets and spending countless hours painting nurseries or putting together cribs. It’s important to prepare a calm, welcoming environment for your baby, and if you can get organized before your new addition arrives, it will be all the more helpful down the road. So, think about adding these items to your To Do list.
Stock up the fridge, fill the pantry and load the freezer. Get rid of things that you can’t have during pregnancy (bye, bye unpasteurized cheese!) and cook a bunch of batch meals or casseroles that you can freeze.
Clean, clean, clean! Spring cleaning comes during any season for moms-to-be. Tackle those tasks that have been long neglected so that you can neglect them all over again. Dust picture frames, wipe baseboards, and vacuum behind the sofa so that you don’t have to worry about it once you have your hands full.
Get the nursery ready. After your baby shower, review the items you have and those that you still need in order to ensure that you’re fully prepared. Stock up on diapers, wipes, and pajamas for both of you.
Nesting takes time, and it is a constructive way to meditate on the ways your life is about to change. Enjoy this phase and all of the organization it brings. After the baby arrives, you won’t have the time or energy to dust the ceiling fans, reorganize your pantry, or clean out the deep freeze. And when your spice rack is alphabetized, your exhausted new mom brain won’t have any problem finding the cinnamon or cardamom!