Activities Kids

Summer Swimming Safety

For most of us, summer brings to mind visions of splashing around in the backyard, trips to the lake, and long, hot days spent figuring out new ways to cool off. It’s also a time to be extra aware of swimming safety. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, drowning is the fifth leading cause of unintentional injury death in the United States. But, there are steps that you can take to educate your family about the importance of
swimming safety this summer.

As parents, we tend to grow increasingly comfortable with extending boundaries for our children as they become more mobile. But, keeping a close eye on your little one around the water is critical. Whether or not it actually involves swimming, any activity around a pool or body of water should be supervised at all times.

Yes, even children who have had swimming lessons.
Yes, even children who are wearing flotation devices.

If your home has a swimming pool, block access to it with a locked and gated fence when you are not present. There are even alarms available to monitor pool access for added peace of mind.

Teach your children to swim survive. This can be done at a very young age, and while it should not be used as an excuse to defer supervision, swim survival may mean the difference between life and death in an accident.

Make sure that all older children and adult family members in your household can perform CPR. You can enroll in a class as a family. And even if you never have to use the lifesaving skill on your own child, you may be in a situation to help someone else down the line.

So, relax and enjoy your summer around the pool. But, take care not to let your guard down.



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