Kids love crafts!
Crafting with your kids after school doesn’t have to be time-consuming or messy. It can be a quality time of bonding with your child and maybe one or two of his friends.
Here are two inexpensive and fun no mess after school crafts to get you started:
1) A city made of masking tape. If you don’t want to clean up paint, a great substitute for a fun “painting” technique is to buy rolls of colored masking or duct tape. Have the child stick the tape pieces onto a large piece of construction paper into the shape of buildings of various heights. Windows can be smaller pieces of tape stuck in the appropriate places. You can then have this sheet of paper laminated and the child can use it as a place mat for meal times.
2) A leaf collage. Using either the natural-colored leaves of autumn or leaf shapes cut out of colored tissue paper, have the child place the leaves onto a small sheet of clear, sticky contact paper. Pictures of insects can also be cut from old magazines and affixed to the paper as well. Add another layer of contact paper over the first one and, voila! Your child has just created a picture with a stained-glass look to be hung in a sunny window.
After crafting, when it’s time for them to do their homework, they’ll have some fond memories of creating a craft or two which can enhance everyone’s mood and life.