Most expectant parents can’t wait to learn whether they will be painting the nursery blue or pink, but nowadays, that can mean more than just getting an ultrasound print. Family members and friends are often just as eager to learn the sex of the baby so that they can start purchasing clothing and other gifts.
So, many are choosing to combine a traditional baby shower with a party to reveal the gender of the baby. In recent years, the popularity of this trend has increased, and there are a number of creative ways that you can plan your own.
Create Teams
When guests arrive to your party, have them guess whether or not the baby will be a girl or a boy. Then, pit the teams against each other for a little friendly competition before the big reveal.
Bake a Cake
Have your ultrasound technician write the gender on a piece of paper and seal it in an envelope. Give the envelope to your favorite local bakery and ask them to color the inside of the cake pink or blue based on the information on the paper. When you cut into the cake at the party, everyone will gather around for the reveal and as an added bonus – dessert!
Use Decorations
Whether you know the gender of your baby ahead of time and simply want to decorate in pink or blue for the party or you want to be in on the surprise yourself, decorations are an easy way to achieve the goal. Have a party store put the appropriate color balloons in a box, which you can then open with your family and friends for the reveal.
Whatever you choose, have fun with it! Make your event unforgettable with personal touches, and be sure to have a friend or even a professional photographer present to capture the memories.